Mané Kerioned dolmens

Barely visible today, the tumulus is in fact an accumulation of several tumuli covering three structures. These three dolmens receive a large number of visitors as they are situated on the main road between Auray and Plouharnel, opposite the Keriaval dolmen. The site was purchased by the French state in the late nineteenth century and listed as a historic monument.

In 1866, the site was excavated by the Morbihan Polymathic Society; at that time, the three dolmens were buried up to their capstones. A large number of pottery fragments were found, as well as engravings on the orthostat slabs of the largest of the three dolmens. At that time, moulds were taken of the engravings on seven slabs by Abel Maître, head moulder at the Saint-Germain-en-Laye Museum, and reproduced in publications.

The research work done by Serge Cassen now provides better knowledge of these engraved symbols.

Download the document “Corpus des signes gravés néolithiques” (PDF, 38 MB)

Engravings on the orthostat slabs of the Mané Kerioned dolmens