Le Castellic mound

The Le Castellic mound, a circular tumulus with an approximate diameter of 18 metres and just 80 centimetres high, sits discreetly in an area of sparse moorland. The Le Castellic monument is known to scientists for having given its name to a Neolithic culture whose characteristic ceramics were found on the site during early excavations. The four monoliths standing on the perimeter are remains of the kerb, and are easier to identify: the stele on the western edge is 1.10 metres high. 

Zacharie Le Rouzic excavated the tumulus and had it listed as a historic monument in 1931. He reported that the 1881 excavation had left the monument in an appalling state and that he had carried out repairs by re-erecting fallen supports and consolidating others. The site plan he drew up at the time shows 7 kerbstones.